Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Visit my new blog opencv2.4



Unknown said...

Dear Maulana Rachman Hope you are fine. I have read your other blogs on OpenCV2.1. They helped me a lot.
I am a student in Pakistan. Now a days working on my robotic project which has lot of use of web cam , image processing , use of video and data analysis.
I am making in Visual Studio 2010, with open CV 2.48 . If you could share some thing more, hope it will help me in my University project and in other ambitions.
Rest reading you articles was a wonderful help ,

Allah Helps those , who help themselves.
Stay blessed, we know your beautiful country for its diversity.

Unknown said...

thank you for visiting my blog sir Obaid Qasim,
I am happy if my blog can help for the other people
I still make several projects for machine vision but I just share the code in my facebook,
because now I have only a little time to write my blog now.
on holiday I will try to update my blog soon.

Best regards.

Unknown said...

Dear Maulana Rachman , Thank you indeed it was a pleasure to read your sweet reply.
I could not respond earlier, i was away.
I have configured Visual Studio 2010 with OpenCV 2.48 using the tutorial given above. Now working with Form Based GUI and OpenCV mix.
Thanks again.
Kindly send me link of your facebook. I am totally new in Facebook, just created an account, Not very clear about ID, obaid qasim , email orqpak@gmail.com

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